About Pangburn
The Pangburn Group began with The Pangburn Company, which was founded in 1996 by Wayne and Brian Pangburn in response to the demand for fee-based plan recordkeeping services in the nonqualified benefit marketplace. The company experienced very rapid growth, primarily due to an expanding market, the ability to leverage and enhance internally-developed recordkeeping software, and high-touch customer service.
In 2002, the owners of The Pangburn Company formed TPC Consulting to service the additional reporting and compliance needs of their financial institution clients. TPC Consulting offered the financial services industry a truly independent resource for compliance, reporting, and risk management for Bank Owned Life Insurance (BOLI) programs. As with The Pangburn Company, the TPC Consulting business model was built on both internally-developed software and high-touch customer service.
In 2007, The Pangburn Company and TPC Consulting began operating jointly under The Pangburn Group DBA. In 2011, The Pangburn Group was incorporated as a regular C-corporation and the shares of The Pangburn Company, Inc. and TPC Consulting, Inc. were transferred to the new corporation, making them wholly-owned subsidiaries.
For over two decades, Pangburn has focused its efforts on developing best practices in nonqualified benefit plan recordkeeping: creating efficiencies, training staff as subject matter experts, and offering a rewarding client and advisor experience from plan design and implementation through ongoing recordkeeping and compliance. Today, Pangburn is pleased to serve as the nonqualified recordkeeping expert for over 2,000 clients of all sizes at a competitive fee.